Embrace Possbility Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg
  • Book cover for Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

(click on book cover for more details) Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life - Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships by Marshall Rosenberg Published: September 1, 2015 (3rd Edition) ISBN-10: 189200528X EP Rating: 5 out of 5 (highly recommended) EP [...]

  • Lessons Learned from my 2-year Old

What my two-year old taught me about managing setbacks

My two-year old son, Jake, fractured his shin a few weeks ago and had to wear a full leg cast. As a parent, I imagined endless whining and moping and an annoying summer all around. Surprisingly, that didn't happen. He didn't even cry at the doctor's office. I've [...]

10 books I wish I read earlier in my life but glad I still read them eventually

Have you ever finished a book and found it so useful that you wished you read it much earlier on in your life? I read on average 1-2 books a week (the silver lining to a long commute to work). Most of the books, I read once, glean [...]

  • Martina Lanotte - Friend Flickr

How to Get Along with Almost Anyone (it’s easier than you think)

Over the years, I've received a lot of advice from friends and family, trained professionals and books on how to get along with others and build strong relationships. Most of it is insightful and effective but when I'm caught up in the moment, I find it [...]

  • Screaming child

When Just Trying to Help Fails

"I'm just trying to help." How often have you said or thought these words? If you're a loving parent, good friend or caring colleague, probably one too many times. It's a plea you usually make when your good intentions fall short and it reflects both [...]

  • lightbulbs

Top 10 Insights that May Change Your Life for the Better

Throughout your life, you've learned many lessons that have changed the way you think, act and live. But no matter how valuable the lesson, it is not fun to learn it the hard way. Some say these learning pains are unavoidable and necessary for the [...]

  • HesselbeinFrancis

Modeling Success Series – Frances Hesselbein – #3

(For those of you who are not familiar with this series or the benefits of modeling success, please read the beginning of this post) This third interview of the Modeling Success Series reminds me why I love what I do and how much I enjoy meeting and learning [...]


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