Embrace Possbility Practical Tips for Dealing with Regret
  • Wrong way sign regret

Practical Tips for Dealing with Regret

Regret: it's something we all experience at one point or another. Maybe you wish you had taken a different job, or said something differently in an important conversation. Perhaps you regret not traveling more when you had the chance, or not pursuing a different career [...]

  • Obstacle

How we get in each other’s way without even knowing it

As I was eating breakfast this morning, I watched my son, Jake, drag the kitchen chair across our wooden floor from our dining table to the counter. “Stop dragging the chair Jake!!” He's been doing this on a  regular basis for over a year and [...]

  • Finding the edge of your comfort zone - law of the rubberband

How to Find the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – The Law of the Rubberband

A while back I took an improv comedy class to step out of my comfort zone and in the moment, we had to choose an object that started with the first letter of our name and create a gesture to go along with it. I [...]

  • Screaming child

When Just Trying to Help Fails

"I'm just trying to help." How often have you said or thought these words? If you're a loving parent, good friend or caring colleague, probably one too many times. It's a plea you usually make when your good intentions fall short and it reflects both [...]

  • Bicycle crash

What NOT to Do When Things Go Wrong

(3 days ago - At the office) "It's just a corporate basketball league game and I need the exercise anyway." "What could possibly go wrong?" (At the game - Whistle blows - Game starts) Like any other basketball game, you hear the basketball bouncing, sneakers [...]

  • argue

3 Reasons Why Most People are Bad Communicators

Every day you miscommunicate something to someone. You don't do it intentionally but it happens. It actually happens all the time, you just don’t know it. The only time you realize there is a miscommunication is when something bad happens and even then you may [...]

  • Cigarettes

How to Effectively Break Bad Habits

Being late. Smoking. Procrastinating. We all have bad habits that we want to change. What's frustrating is that we recognize that it's bad for us and clearly see the negative consequences and yet we're powerless to stop it. We see examples of this all around [...]

  • Sell with Integrity

How to Sell with Integrity – Lesson 1 – The First Thing to Think About

In my previous article, I proclaimed that the one key skill for success is the ability to sell. If you believe selling is sleazy, please click here and read this article before reading on. For those who truly believe salespeople can have integrity and still be [...]

  • Too Tired

The Three Reasons Why You Should Sleep More

If you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep every day, stop reading this article now. If you're still reading, then you probably want to sleep more but for some reason can't justify it. Here are the three reasons why you need to sleep more starting [...]


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