Embrace Possbility How to Value Time Over Money
  • Time over money

How to Value Time Over Money

Smart people know that time is money. Wise people understand that time is more valuable than money and with the fast-paced world we're in, time is more valuable than ever. But if we look hard at how we spend our time, we might find that [...]

  • Manage your energy lightbulb

4 Practical Ways to Manage Your Energy to Achieve More in Life

Most people wish for extra time in the day to complete everything they want to accomplish. The proactive ones manage time. The effective ones, according to The Power of Full Engagement, manage energy to best use the 24-hours we have each day. But what does [...]

  • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry

Die Empty by Todd Henry

(click on book cover for more details) Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day by Todd Henry Published: April 2015 ISBN-10: 1591846994 EP Rating: 5 out of 5 (must read) EP Main Takeaway: Know your purpose and devote [...]

  • Clock Time

How to Effectively Manage Your Time

For those of you who follow this site, you may have noticed that I haven't posted any new articles recently. The main reason is I've been single-tasking, a technique Leo Babauta uses to get a lot of stuff done. This month, I've focused most of [...]

30 Qualities that Make Ordinary People Extraordinary

Warren Buffett is successful in investing and building long-term businesses. Bill Gates is successful in creating a software empire that has changed the way we use computers. Gandhi was successful in leading India into independence from the British. Success comes in many ways and forms. [...]

  • Always Be on Time

How to Always Be On Time

What time are we meeting them? 3:00pm? Ok, it takes about 40 minutes by train and 10 minutes walking so let's leave by 2:10pm. Train Announcement: There is a sick passenger on the train. We will be delayed momentarily. Thank you.  Needless to say, we were [...]

How to Stick to Your Goals Even If You Never Could

One of my biggest struggles is finishing something that I started. I would always be excited and have all this energy in the beginning, but like a child with a new toy, the excitement fades away and the goal doesn't seem worth doing anymore so [...]


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