Embrace Possbility Why Good People Do Bad Things

Why Good People Do Bad Things

Generally, people are good. At least that’s what I believe and it has served me well. So why is it that some of them do bad things? Unthinkable things? From genocides to bullying From terrorism to financial fraud From smoking to working way too much [...]

  • Worried

How to Worry in a Good Way

"Don't worry. Be happy." Just four words with two simple suggestions. Yet, it's easier said than done. Why is that? Think about it for a few seconds before reading on. "Don't worry. Be happy." Did you come up with anything? If not, don't worry. It's not [...]

  • Too Tired

The Three Reasons Why You Should Sleep More

If you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep every day, stop reading this article now. If you're still reading, then you probably want to sleep more but for some reason can't justify it. Here are the three reasons why you need to sleep more starting [...]


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