Embrace Possbility 30 Life Lessons from Over a Thousand People Who Have Lived a Full Life
  • Life Lessons Karl Pillemer

30 Life Lessons from Over a Thousand People Who Have Lived a Full Life

Not too long ago and well into adulthood, I learned a more effective way to tie my shoes (if your shoelaces keep coming untied, you'll want to watch this video). I can bet that no matter how old you are right now, you've probably learned [...]

  • Taking Smarter Risks - Tightrope Walking

3 Ways to be a Smarter Risk Taker

In conversations with Fortune 100 senior executives, a common theme that came up was the importance of taking risks. Each executive credited much of their success to a series of risks they took in their career. Their stories not only challenged my personal view on [...]

  • Hard to forgive

When you find it hard to forgive someone …

... know that you may actually benefit more than the person you are forgiving by doing so Whether it's intentional or not, other people will do things that hurt us. This might be a work colleague who steals credit for our work or a personal [...]

  • Building trust sky diving photo

How to Build Trust and Assess Trustworthiness

When I reflect on the best relationships in my life, both personally and professionally, the common denominator is always trust. Trust makes life easier because it allows you to focus on building and growing as opposed to worrying and guarding. When there is low trust, [...]

  • Finding the edge of your comfort zone - law of the rubberband

How to Find the Edge of Your Comfort Zone – The Law of the Rubberband

A while back I took an improv comedy class to step out of my comfort zone and in the moment, we had to choose an object that started with the first letter of our name and create a gesture to go along with it. I [...]

  • The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell

(click on book cover for more details) The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Their Full Potential by John Maxwell Published: September 2014 ISBN-10: 1599953676 EP Rating: 5 out of 5 (great read) EP Main Takeaway: Growth [...]

Outgrowing Things (or The Real Reason Your Relationship is Falling Apart)

When you reflect on the year past, it's easy to focus on your accomplishments and what happened. What might be interesting to think about are the activities you stopped doing and what didn't happen. This past year, I no longer: Watch the Oscars, the NBA [...]

It is Risky to be Stable because…

... well, before I tell you what it is, let's define stable. When something is stable, it is not likely to change. All my life, I've been raised to believe that stability is a good thing - stable job, stable relationship, stable government - but [...]


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