Embrace Possbility What a Trip Around the World Taught Me
  • Penguin

What a Trip Around the World Taught Me

2 months, 7 continents, 49,599 miles later, I'm home. This trip around the world was amazing in many ways - the food, the sights, the people ... but all of that was to be expected from a trip like this. What I didn't expect was [...]

  • Bicycle crash

What NOT to Do When Things Go Wrong

(3 days ago - At the office) "It's just a corporate basketball league game and I need the exercise anyway." "What could possibly go wrong?" (At the game - Whistle blows - Game starts) Like any other basketball game, you hear the basketball bouncing, sneakers [...]

Why Good People Do Bad Things

Generally, people are good. At least that’s what I believe and it has served me well. So why is it that some of them do bad things? Unthinkable things? From genocides to bullying From terrorism to financial fraud From smoking to working way too much [...]

  • William Zinsser

William Zinsser’s Commencement Speech at Wesleyan University 1988

Seventeen years before Steve Job's famous commencement address at Stanford in 2005, William Zinsser addressed the graduating class at Wesleyan University with a speech that was phenomenal. I came across this commencement address while writing up a recent interview I had with Mr. Zinsser. He told me [...]

  • Couple

6 Tips to Get Along With Your Spouse that Work

(Love and Marriage theme song plays) ...goes together like a horse and carriage... ...and you can't have one without the other... (music slowly fades) This song came to my head as I was writing this post and I thought it would make for some nice [...]

  • Worried

How to Worry in a Good Way

"Don't worry. Be happy." Just four words with two simple suggestions. Yet, it's easier said than done. Why is that? Think about it for a few seconds before reading on. "Don't worry. Be happy." Did you come up with anything? If not, don't worry. It's not [...]

30 Qualities that Make Ordinary People Extraordinary

Warren Buffett is successful in investing and building long-term businesses. Bill Gates is successful in creating a software empire that has changed the way we use computers. Gandhi was successful in leading India into independence from the British. Success comes in many ways and forms. [...]

  • Learning? That's for young'uns

Why Old People Have a Hard Time Learning New Things

As we get older, we tend to believe the cliché "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" because we've seen many examples proving it to be somewhat accurate. There are people out there who don't know how to use a smart phone, shop online [...]


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