Embrace Possbility Practical Tips for Dealing with Regret
  • Wrong way sign regret

Practical Tips for Dealing with Regret

Regret: it's something we all experience at one point or another. Maybe you wish you had taken a different job, or said something differently in an important conversation. Perhaps you regret not traveling more when you had the chance, or not pursuing a different career [...]

  • Book Cover for Conscious Business Fred Kofman

Conscious Business by Fred Kofman

(click on book cover for more details) Conscious Business: How to Build Value Through Values Published: October 2013 ISBN-10: 1622032020 EP Rating: 5 out of 5 (must read) EP Main Takeaway: The larger purpose of business or any competitve [...]

  • Scientist

The Scientific Approach to Personal Mastery

When it comes to personal growth, it's easy to just wing it. We live life and believe that we'll automatically learn from our experiences and log those lessons into our memories. We're heavily influenced by the self-improvement fad of the month or the advice we're hearing [...]

  • argue

3 Reasons Why Most People are Bad Communicators

Every day you miscommunicate something to someone. You don't do it intentionally but it happens. It actually happens all the time, you just don’t know it. The only time you realize there is a miscommunication is when something bad happens and even then you may [...]

  • Imagine criticism like this

How to Stay Calm in the Face of Criticism

No one likes to be criticized. Dale Carnegie, when giving advice on how to influence people and win friends, tells his readers that there is never a good time to criticize. As you may have already concluded, not everyone agrees with Dale. I never liked [...]


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